Episode 004

Six lessons from 2022 | Healthier Each Day 004

Welcome to 2023! We are currently on a roadtrip and I’ve been reflecting on a few lessons that have come to mind when I think about 2022. In this episode, I share six lessons:

  1. Be selective in how you spend your time
  2. Marriage is a great bond
  3. Systems and habits are key
  4. Be kind to yourself
  5. Philosophy is central
  6. Be open to new possibilities and interests

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With gratitude, Travis






One response to “Six lessons from 2022 | Healthier Each Day 004”

  1. […] the work in the past. Many. I’ve even just done a reflection on 2022 as an article and as a podcast. Yet in my rush, I forgot those lessons and tried to power through. A good reminder to catch myself […]