Episode 009

11 Morning Routine Hacks for 2023 | Healthier Each Day 009

It’s the start of 2023 so it’s a great time to look at the habits and systems we currently have in place and seek inspiration and tips on what modifications we might want to make.

I love morning routines. I find that it sets me up to have a great day and puts me in a really good mood and mindset. It helps me accomplish a lot of important things early in the day, which then means I can be more flexible in the afternoons and evenings – I don’t have to worry about trying to get a workout in, trying to move, and so forth. I’ve already done that.

I am interested in how I can continue to refine my routines. What are the small things we can put in place that will help us be healthier each day? I’m not suggesting that we implement all of these. Rather, we might find inspiration from some of them and be able to incorporate them into our mornings.

I outline 11 tips/items to consider to add to our morning routine in this video.


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With gratitude, Travis



