Category: General

  • Try an adventure race | Healthier Each Day 032

    Try an adventure race | Healthier Each Day 032

    Adventure races can be a great way to have some fun, try new things, build strength and endurance, and experience some discomfort. You should definitely try an adventure race. In this video, I outline why you should try one, and a few tips to get started. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my…

  • Start, keep going, enjoy the journey | Healthier Each Day 031

    Start, keep going, enjoy the journey | Healthier Each Day 031

    Recently we spoke about using small habits to win your day. That small, regular actions add up in the long run. To get to where we want to go, or who we want to be, or live out our philosophy day be day, we need to keep going. In this video, I outline some tips…

  • Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community | Courtney Shipley | 030

    Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community | Courtney Shipley | 030

    Today I am joined by Courtney Shipley, one of the hosts of the Brisbane Stoics group. In our discussion, we talk about building communities, being a host of a Stoic group, the appeal of Traditional Stoicism, philosophy as a way of life. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my latest musings, writings, and…

  • Use small habits to win your day | Healthier Each Day 029

    Use small habits to win your day | Healthier Each Day 029

    Since reading Atomic Habits, I’ve been focused on building small habits for changes over the long term. It’s a way for us to achieve long lasting change and get to where we want to go. In this video, I explain why and give a few examples. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my…

  • Find something that works, and keep doing it | Healthier Each Day 028

    Find something that works, and keep doing it | Healthier Each Day 028

    To achieve something, we have to work for a very long time and be consistent. We have to do the thing over and over and over again. To get in shape and start in shape means going to the gym again, and again, and again. Or going on a run, then another, and another, each…

  • New workout program | Healthier Each Day 027

    New workout program | Healthier Each Day 027

    Over the weekend, I sat down and came up with a new training program. A reason for this is I recently picked up a road bike, which means a new hobby to add to the list of fun activities to do. In this video, I outline my new workout and activity routine. Subscribe to receive…

  • Six tips to help with worry | Healthier Each Day 026

    Six tips to help with worry | Healthier Each Day 026

    Worry has been around for a long time. In fact, Dale Carnegie wrote about it in 1948 with his book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.  Even before Mr Carnegie’s book bust onto the scene, we have been worrying long before that.    Ancient philosophies in the Hellenistic period talked about it.  Ancient heroes…

  • Show your work | Healthier Each Day 025

    Show your work | Healthier Each Day 025

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately on the idea of how we improve, show up, and make progress. All of these words can have multiple definitions and meaning. Is it enough to just show up to something? Is 1% better good enough when improving at things? Are we even improving ourselves in the things that…

  • Consistency is key | Healthier Each Day 024

    Consistency is key | Healthier Each Day 024

    One of the simple things I’ve discovered to getting results is to just show up and be consistent. Not that it’s easy. A lot of the time, it’s downright hard. I don’t want to ‘show up,’ so to speak, at the gym to do legs if I’m tired and sore and feel like taking a…

  • Daily habits to cultivate | Healthier Each Day 023

    Daily habits to cultivate | Healthier Each Day 023

    Life is short. We are often reminded this, and at the same time, we can get so easily caught up in our own world and forget this lesson. We need to make a conscious effort to reflect and challenge ourselves on how we are spending our time and day. As such, we want to cultivate…