Category: General

  • Use your reminders app to form habits | Healthier Each Day 022

    Use your reminders app to form habits | Healthier Each Day 022

    One of the best things I use to keep track of the keystone habits I want to undertake, and the habits I want to form, is the reminders app on my phone. I recommend as it is simple and easy to set up and use, plus it’s an interface that we are familiar with. In…

  • Reflections on painting | Healthier Each Day 021

    Reflections on painting | Healthier Each Day 021

    This past week we painted the interior of our house. It was a lot of fun, and I learnt a lot on the way. In this video, I share some of my reflections and enjoyment of the journey. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my latest musings, writings, and podcasts. With gratitude, Travis

  • Lessons from one year of home ownership | Healthier Each Day 020

    Lessons from one year of home ownership | Healthier Each Day 020

    It’s been just over a year since we bought and moved into our townhouse. A lot has happened these twelve months so it’s a good chance to check in and reflect on the lessons learnt from home ownership. For starters, it’s great that we have a long term place we can grow our lives in…

  • Take small first steps | Healthier Each Day 019

    Take small first steps | Healthier Each Day 019

    When starting things or building habits, it’s tempting to go all in and trey and do everything at once. We need to start small. In this video, I explain why. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my latest musings, writings, and podcasts. With gratitude, Travis

  • How I structure my weekdays | Healthier Each Day 018

    How I structure my weekdays | Healthier Each Day 018

    I enjoy having some structure to my days to ensure I’m aiming in the right direction. In they video, I outline how I structure my weekdays to ensure I hit the pillars of health, connection, learning, and family. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my latest musings, writings, and podcasts. With gratitude, Travis

  • Use Pomodoro’s as part of your day | Healthier Each Day 017

    Use Pomodoro’s as part of your day | Healthier Each Day 017

    Time management is something I geek out about as I’m constantly thinking about how I can free up more time in my day for the things that matter to me and I enjoy – time with family, friends, community, health, movement, learning, hobbies. One of the tools that I use the Pomodoro® Technique. It’s a…

  • Hobby Ideas | Healthier Each Day 016

    Hobby Ideas | Healthier Each Day 016

    One of the great things about life our leisure time and the opportunity to pursue various hobbies. Here are a few different ideas. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which contains my latest musings, writings, and podcasts. With gratitude, Travis

  • Choose what to fail at | Healthier Each Day 015

    Choose what to fail at | Healthier Each Day 015

    Lately, I’ve been reflecting on an idea from Oliver Burkeman’s book, 4000 weeks, that we need to decide on the things that we are going to suck at, as we can’t be great at everything. In this episode, I outline my own thoughts on what to fail at. Subscribe to receive my weekly newsletter which…

  • Do the work | Healthier Each Day 014

    Do the work | Healthier Each Day 014

    Recently I recorded a terrible draft episode for my podcast. Simply put, I hadn’t done the work required. Intuitively, we know what we need to do. Much easier said than done. I’ve been slamming way too many donuts recently. This has led me to reflect on five strategies that can help us to do the…

  • Five ways to be limitless | Healthier Each Day 013

    Five ways to be limitless | Healthier Each Day 013

    I’ve just finished reading Limitless by Jim Kwok. It’s a great great and I highly recommend it. To be limitless is to unlock the full potential of our brains so we can learn better and achieve more. Unlocking your brain is more than just about unlocking your brain. To do that, we need to strengthen…